Mitos similares de diferentes pueblos de la Antigüedad nos hablan de un «continente madre», la Atlántida, situado en medio del océano del mismo nombre y a partir del cual habrían surgido, no sólo las grandes culturas mediterráneas, sino las americanas, en ambos casos a partir de colonias atlantes.

Vamos a descartar los dogmas de la historia oficial y vamos a pensar en la posibilidad de que realmente existiera ese primigenio continente. Platón nos cuenta, citando a sacerdotes egipcios, que fue destruido «en el curso de un día y una noche por los dioses». Esto explica la reiterada presencia en los mitos de la América precolombina de todo tipo de diluvios y catástrofes capaces de hacer desaparecer de un plumazo a razas enteras, o la existencia de extraños hombres blancos y barbudos de poderes divinos, o el hecho de que los principales pueblos de la región afirmen que llegaron a América «desde una isla ubicada donde sale el Sol» y no desde donde se pone, como sería más lógico, o la razón de la existencia de tantos nombres que remiten fonéticamente al de Atlántida en sus leyendas.

De hecho, los aztecas, y otros antes que ellos, tenían un nombre para esa isla de la que aseguraban provenir: Aztlán. Otra tradición azteca aporta el nombre de Chicomoztoc, las Siete Cuevas, igual que los mayas-quiché, que también decían venir de una isla llamada Tulan-Zuiva o Ciudad de las Siete Cuevas, al este. El canto maya ‘Camacú’ afirma que allí los mayas se separaron y perdieron de sus hermanos mayores y menores. Los primeros eran los ‘tepeu-oloman’ u olmecas, y los segundos, los ‘yaqui-tepeu’, una tribu de origen tolteca cuyo rastro se puede seguir todavía hoy en México.

Más al norte, los indios de los Grandes Lagos también aseguran que sus antepasados residieron, mucho tiempo atrás, «en el lugar donde se levanta el Sol», mientras que la tradición ‘hopi’ insiste en que los primeros entre los suyos consiguieron sobrevivir a un gran diluvio que arrasó el mundo, cruzando el océano Atlántico en enormes balsas de caña.

También los ‘lenilenapis’ de Delaware aseguran que su origen se pierde en la Gran Tierra más allá del océano. Viejas leyendas de los ‘sioux’ corroboran la versión maya y atestiguan que al principio de los tiempos todas las tribus indias formaban una sola que vivía en esa misteriosa isla. Y de la misma opinión son los ‘iowas’, cuyos mitos dictan que, en un principio, todos los hombres vivían en «la isla donde nace la estrella de la mañana»…

Ahora descartemos la existencia de la Atlántida y pensemos que todo lo anterior es pura imaginación religiosa. Entonces, no podremos rechazar otra interesante posibilidad: la de las relaciones entre América y Europa antes de Colón.

Entre otras cosas, los mayas fueron grandes navegantes que disponían de puertos importantes como el Tulum, a unos cien kilómetros al sur de Cancún, y que viajaron por toda la costa centroamericana hasta alcanzar lo que hoy es Chile. Conocían además las estrellas. Así que, con buenos marinos y una orientación adecuada, nada les impedía realmente cruzar el Atlántico.

En el museo del Louvre de París hay un bronce romano que presenta el busto de un esclavo con todas las peculiaridades anatómicas de un maya, de la misma forma que en México se han hallado extrañas esculturas de personajes físicamente caucásicos y negroides.

Además, sabemos que en el siglo X d.C. llegaron al Nuevo Continente los ‘drakkares’ del noruego Leif Erickson (el de los móviles), quien bautizo a América del Norte con el nombre de Vinland. Su experiencia no fue muy gratificante: a pesar de su superioridad en el cuerpo a cuerpo, los vikingos acabaron siendo rechazados por los tenaces ataques indios.

¡Y, antes que los rudos hombres del norte, también desembarcaron los fenicios, de cuya breve estancia en tierras americanas dan fe esclarecedoras inscripciones y objetos inequívocos descubiertos con gran sorpresa en Venezuela y Brasil!

El nombre de México se asocia a la tribu mexica, una de las que se supone llegó desde el norte. Sin embargo, varios antropólogos, epigrafistas y arqueólogos no son de la misma opinión y apuntan hacia el oeste, hacia lo que para nosotros es el Lejano Oriente. El estudioso y antropólogo francés Pierre Carnac llegó a la conclusión de que el nombre es en realidad original del antiguo chino, y lo descompone en tres sílabas: MO, la denominación de la muerte y también de un ropaje budista; JI, que significa ruta y templo entre los monjes budistas, y KE, los ocho signos empleados en el arte de la adivinación.

Otro especialista, el profesor universitario norteamericano de origen chino Mike Xu, ha encontrado asombrosas semejanzas entre la astronomía, el arte, la religión, el calendario y los símbolos caligráficos utilizados por los olmecas (una de las culturas «madre» en Mesoamérica) y por las dinastías chinas Shang y Zhou. Su hipótesis de trabajo, muy factible, plantea la emigración de un número indeterminado de antiguos chinos hacia la costa americana del Pacífico durante la caída de la dinastía Shang, hacia el 1.100 a.C.; esos emigrantes se desplazarían más tarde hacia el Golfo de México. La época coincide con el llamativo florecimiento de la tribu olmeca, que no sería sino consecuencia de la influencia directa de esa cultura superior a la indígena instalada allí, y que con el tiempo se fundió con la misma… Muchos americanos actuales tienen rasgos asiáticos, por ejemplo, en Perú cuna de grandes imperios precolombinos.

Seguimos comprobando cómo el mundo antiguo está repleto de misterios, de grandes incógnitas sin resolver, pero que los mitos, tratados de forma muy diferente de como lo ha sido hasta ahora, nos pueden proporcionar muchas claves para explicar al menos parte de esas incógnitas. Hay que continuar investigando y relacionando las informaciones de que disponemos para encontrar las verdaderas respuestas, siempre que nos interese saber quiénes somos, de dónde venimos y hacia dónde vamos. A mí me interesa, y a los que me leéis habitualmente, también.


Esta entrada fue publicada en Mitología y etiquetada , , , . Guarda el enlace permanente.

10 respuestas a EL CONTINENTE MADRE

  1. varín dijo:


    respecto a
    «Más al norte, los indios de los Grandes Lagos también aseguran que sus antepasados residieron, mucho tiempo atrás, “en el lugar donde se levanta el Sol”

    decir que varios autores indican que hubo «mucho tiempo atrás», en que en lo que hoy es el ártico ( que quedaría respecto a los grandes lagos , “en el lugar donde se levanta el Sol” ) civilización o pueblos viviendo allí físicamente; de hecho hay mapas interesantes al respecto que no parecen ser falsificaciones, y que no concuerdan con lo que «oficialmente deben saber las gentes en cada época y lugar».

    Así mismo, respecto al «sacerdote egipcio» con el que habla platón, se podría matizar en la línea que lo has hecho en el artículo respecto a las versiones ofciales de la historia oficial, que quizás hoy diríamos que era un druida ( vamos, inglesito, granbretañés o bretañofrancés quizás ),
    a ver si encuentro el texto al respecto y vuelvo por aquí y lo copio.

    Abrazos [ y energía de salud melarrakis, que aunque no me vuelva a repetir está ahí emitiéndose ]

  2. varín dijo:

    Respecto al ártico:
    Lo de antes es un error, y por lo que veo ahora al recuperar estos textos, se trata de la Antártida ( así que claramente no aplica a «los indios de los Grandes Lagos», sin por ello dejar de ser muy interesante:
    «Is there any «hard» evidence for this ancient, worldwide, high civilization? I don’t want to spend too much time going over all of it and attempting to reproduce the fine efforts of other writers. But, just to cover the subject briefly, one of the most telling pieces of hard evidence is included in Charles Hapgood’s book, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings. Hapgood, a Professor of Anthropology included in his book a most interesting letter from a group of cartographers in the United States Air Force. The statements in this letter, to my knowledge, have never been challenged. In fact, the letter itself doesn’t receive much attention, though Hapgood is certainly referred to as a crank often enough. The letter refers to a series of highly technical analyses of several maps that Dr. Hapgood presented to the cartographers. After their study, they wrote:»
    C. It is our opinion that the accuracy of the cartographic features shown in the Oronteus Fineaus [sic] Map (AD 1530 ) suggests, beyond a doubt, that it also was compiled from accurate source maps of Antarctica, but in this case of the entire continent. Close examination has proved the original source maps must have been compiled at a time when the land mass and inland waterways of the continent were relatively free of ice. This conclusion is further supported by a comparison of the Oronteus Finneaus [sic] Map with the results obtained by International Geophysical Year teams in their measurements of the subglacial topography. The comparison also suggests that the original source maps (compiled in remote antiquity ) were prepared when Antarctica was presumably free of ice. The Cordiform projection used by Oronteus Fineaus [sic] suggests the use of advanced mathematics. Further, the shape given to the Antarctic continent suggests the possibility, if not the probability, that the original source maps were compiled on a stereographic or gnomonic type of projection (involving the useof spherical trigonometry).

    D. We are convinced that the findings made by you and your associates are valid, and that they raise extremely important questions affecting geology and ancient history, questions which certainly require further investigation.
    Lorenzo W.BurroughsCaptain,
    USAF Chief, Cartographic Section
    8th Reconnaissance Technical Sqdn
    (SAC )Westover, Mass. [Hapgood, Charles, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings,Turnstone press London 1979.]

    The Antarctic ice cover is supposed to be millions of years old. Who could have made a map of Antarctica when it was not covered by ice, and when?

    Charles Hapgood heard about these maps at a particular point in his life when he was studying the ice ages. A copy of an ancient map had been found in the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul in 1929, and a Turkish naval officer had presented a copy of it to the US Navy Hydrographic Office. It was examined by scholars who noted that the map represented Antarctica before it was covered with ice. Yet, the map was painted on parchment and was dated to 1513, over 300 years before Antarctica was officially «discovered.» Core samples taken by the Byrd Antarctic Expedition showed that the last warm period in the Antarctic ended around 4,000 BC. It began about 9,000 years before that. The only conclusion that could be drawn was that someone had mapped Antarctica at least 6,000 years ago.


    «By a series of analyses, Hapgood and others came to the conclusion that there was an ancient civilization whose center or «home base» was Antarctica itself. [Rand and Rose Flem-Ath, When the Sky Fell, 1995, St. Martins, Canada]The fact that it was a global society, just as our own is, was also evident from other clues. This was, to put it mildly, not an acceptable idea to the uniformitarian view of evolution.»

    procedente de la página 242 ( cap.27 ) de la serie Adventures With Cassiopaea de Laura Knight-Jadczyk

  3. varín dijo:

    y respecto al druida de «egipto» que se nos ha convertido en «sacerdote egipcio» ( haciendonos pensar en los egipcios que todos conocemos con su culto a la muerte, y no otras posibilidades de culto a la vida por parte de alguien de quien pudieron tomar nombre aquellos pueblos y ciudades y sitios:

    In England, there is, as it happens, an area corresponding perfectly to ALL of the descriptions in Homer – the East Anglian plain between the city of Cambridge and the Wash. Wilkens brings up a compelling argument:

    Homer names no less than fourteen rivers in the region of Troy, eight of them being listed together in the passage where he describes how, after the Trojan War, the violence of these rivers in flood sweeps away the wood and stone rampart built round the Achaean encampment and the ships. It appears that generations of readers must have skipped over these lines, thinking they contained fictitious names of no interest, for otherwise, it is difficult to understand how nobody, not even people from the Cambridge area, was ever struck by the resemblance between the names of Homer’s rivers and those of this area.

    Have a look at this list of river names, keeping in mind the several thousand years that have passed and that these changes are quite in line with phonetic changes according to the rules of etymology:
    Usual Rendering of the Greek River Name from Homer Modern Name of the Corresponding River in England
    Aesepus Ise
    Rhesus Rhee
    Rhodius Roding
    Granicus Granta
    Scamander Cam
    Simois Great Ouse
    Satniois Little Ouse
    Larisa Lark
    Caystrius or Cayster Yare with Caister-on-sea and Caistor castle at the mouth
    Thymbre Thet
    Caresus Hiz
    Heptaporus Tove
    Callicolone Colne
    Cilla Chillesford
    Temese Thames

    As Wilkens notes, it is impossible to find these rivers in Turkey. All that can be found are four rivers that were later given Homeric names without regard to the geographical descriptions in the Iliad.

    The evidence that the Trojan plain is the East Anglian plain is also backed up by Homer’s descriptions of the land: fertile soil, rich land, water meadows, flowering meadows, fine orchards, fields of corn, and many other details that perfectly describe England, but have absolutely no relationship to Turkey, either in modern or ancient times, as the archaeology demonstrates.

    sacado del artículo Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols de Laura Knight-Jadczyk, en la página h

    aunque puede interesar un vistazo previo a esta página previa del mismo artículo.


    • hasenroniz dijo:

      No conocía esta teoría tan audaz; habrá que investigarla comprobando bien todos los datos. Gracias varin por la info.

      • varín dijo:

        Como encontré los enlaces «vivos»( yo tengo esas páginas guardadas, ya que antes lo miraba sin conexión, y además cosas que yo guardé, luego no las he visto, o las he encontrado rebuscando en archivo, no en la página que yo usaba antes ), los puse; pero aclarando que lo que trata de fondo es quizás otras cuestiones; pero como ella hace mucho estudio histórico desde otros puntos de vista me pareció interesante traerlo; si prefieres que te copie en un word las páginas de esos artículos que tocan estos temas, lo puedo hacer sin problemas; si ahora que tienes los enlaces, prefieres buscar tú, perfecto.

        A mí me impresionó mucho, me pareció muy interesante; y hay varias páginas de adeventures que tratan el «problema» de los egiptólogos; tengo marcada así la adventures259_sigue con egipto y cómo mienten cuando les interesa los egiptologos

        y ésta: http://www.cassiopaea.com/cassiopaea/adventures239.htm la tengo nombrada como adventures239_muy interesante respecto a chamanismo y más_y lo anterior respecto a cromañón y más ( siendo la anterior file:///Users/alvaro/Documents/alvaro/agg/Cassiopaea/aventuras/adventures238.htm ). y tengo marcadas respecto a historia la 242,243 la 245 y la adventures247_malta y los jomon de japón.

        El problema respecto a lo de troya y el resto de «paisajes helenos» es que no he podido conseguir el libro, y en rapidshare o uno de esos, que sí aparece, resulta ser un engaño de una academia o algo así:el libro no está, te bajas un word cifrado y te dicen que vayas a tal página o mandes un correo a fulanita que cuando insistes dos veces ni responde.
        Así que en todo eso, sólo he leído las reflexiones ( algunas abundantes ) que hace Laura K.J.; estoy esperando que mi hermano tenga libre el libro de la historia secreta…, que le regalé a mi hermano y así leer más y en español que me resultará más fácil ( mi hermano hubiera preferido el original, pero le dije que así podíamos compartirlo con más gente ( si la hay interesada, soy un poco iluso muchas veces ). De ese libro lo que sí he visto que circula por internet, y yo lo tengo por si queréis que os lo envíe, es la introducción, que está bien pero te deja con la miel en los labios y sin poder tomar más cucharaditas.

        Cualquier sugerencia o pedido, si se puede, sin problemas.


      • hasenroniz dijo:

        Hombre pues si mandas cosas formato Word pues encantado, que me he vuelto un poco vaguete para buscar cosas por Internet, te lo agradecería mucho, pues lo que has enviado vía comentarios me ha parecido muy interesante y digno de investigación más profunda.

        Gracias. Un abrazo.

  4. varín dijo:

    Y más extraído de la página i del artículo «Jupiter, Nostradamus…..»:
    «I think that there is an additional explanation for why Plato was so antagonistic to the tales of Homer: Plato’s own story of Atlantis was the story of the original exemplar of the Trojan War and he knew that many of the features of the original war were being distorted by Homer and attributed to a much later war, on a different scale, with certain elements added that would create misunderstanding in the minds of readers. »
    [ hablando de la guerra de troya :]
    «We will come back to this story later because even though it seems confused and improbable, it holds the key to our problem. One thing that ought to be clear is that I don’t think that it was a woman they were fighting over; no indeed, it was the «treasure.» What was that treasure? Well, let me suggest that the main thing we notice about this story is that it sounds a bit like George Bush demanding Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction. Just such a situation as we see developing in our own time between the United States and the rest of the world may have developed between Atlantis and Europe and Asia around 12,000 years ago, and then again later, between the Trojans and Achaeans in Europe. This might give us a clue as to what sort of «treasure» the Trojan War was really being fought over.

    Tracking this problem has led me down many interesting pathways and the most useful clues have come from the alchemist Fulcanelli. One his oft-reiterated themes is that the �ancient Greeks� � not the Egyptians�� were the source of the Hermetic science and all esoteric knowledge.»

    Timaeus�and Critias, written by Plato�some time around 360 BC are the only existing ancient written records which specifically refer to Atlantis. The dialogues are conversations between Socrates, Hermocrates, Timaeus, and Critias. Apparently in response to a prior talk by Socrates about ideal societies, Timaeus and Critias agree to entertain Socrates with a tale that is �not a fiction but a true story.�

    The story is about the conflict between the ancient Athenians�and the Atlanteans�9000 years�before Plato�s time. Knowledge of the ancient times was apparently forgotten by the Athenians of Plato�s day, and the form the story of Atlantis took in Plato�s account was that Egyptian priests�conveyed it to Solon. Solon passed the tale to Dropides, the great-grandfather of Critias. Critias learned of it from his grandfather also named Critias, son of Dropides.

    Let�s take a careful look at the main section of the story, omitting the introduction that describes Solon going to Egypt and chatting up the priests.
    Again, let�s interrupt the dialogue to point out that it is hardly likely that a priest of the Egypt�we know would have declared the Athenians to be �the fairest and noblest race of men,� nor that they �performed the noblest deeds� and had the �fairest constitution � under the face of heaven!� Another clue that the speaker is giving us that it is NOT Egypt as we know Egypt that is the source of this information.

    Solon�marveled at his words, and earnestly requested the priests
    to inform him exactly and in order about these former citizens. You
    are welcome to hear about them, Solon, said the priest, both for your
    own sake and for that of your city, and above all, for the sake of the
    goddess�who is the common patron and parent and educator of both
    our cities. She founded your city a thousand years before ours, receiving
    from the Earth and Hephaestus�the seed of your race, and afterwards
    she founded ours, of which the constitution is recorded in our sacred
    registers to be eight thousand years�old.

    Yet again, the Egyptian priest is giving greater antiquity to the Greeks�than to the Egyptians! Another clue for the reader to understand that this is not an Egyptian story of Egypt as we now know it!
    Here comes the story of the war, so pay close attention:

    Many great and wonderful deeds are recorded of your state in our histories.
    But one of them exceeds all the rest in greatness and valour. For these histories
    tell of a mighty power which unprovoked made an expedition against the whole
    of Europe and Asia, and to which your city put an end.

    This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean, for in those days the Atlantic
    was navigable; and there was an island situated in front of the straits which are
    by you called the Pillars of Heracles; the island was larger than Libya and Asia
    put together, and was the way to other islands, and from these you might pass
    to the whole of the opposite continent which surrounded the true ocean; for this
    sea which is within the Straits of Heracles�is only a harbour, having a narrow
    entrance, but that other is a real sea, and the surrounding land may be most truly
    called a boundless continent.

    Now in this island of Atlantis�there was a great and wonderful empire, which had
    rule over the whole island and several others, and over parts of the continent, and,
    furthermore, the men of Atlantis had subjected the parts of Libya�within the
    columns of Heracles�as far as Egypt, and of Europe�as far as Tyrrhenia.

    This vast power, gathered into one, endeavoured to subdue at a blow our country
    and yours and the whole of the region within the straits; and then, Solon, your
    country shone forth, in the excellence of her virtue and strength, among all mankind.
    She was pre-eminent in courage and military skill, and was the leader of the Hellenes.
    And when the rest fell off from her, being compelled to stand alone, after having
    undergone the very extremity of danger, she defeated and triumphed over the
    invaders, and preserved from slavery those who were not yet subjugated, and
    generously liberated all the rest of us who dwell within the pillars.

    Of all the things the �Egyptian priest� has said, the above is the most astonishing and the most telling. Again he is giving pre-eminence to the Greeks, that they performed the most heroic deed of all times, which was to defeat the Atlantean Empire!

    This is the point that is so often just simply overlooked by all the Egypt and Atlantis lovers! Atlantis was the original �evil empire�of the Borg!� And what is more, in this passage, the clue is given that the ancient Egyptian civilization � the pyramids�and other monumental architecture upon which so much of the current Egyptian craze is based, stemming from the work of Schwaller de Lubicz, and which is declared to be the offspring of Atlantis – the ancient Egypt that is so admired by the current day flock of Egyptophiles��- was very likely an attempt to re-construct the EVIL EMPIRE OF ATLANTIS! In other words, the �priestly science� of the Egyptians, referred to by Fulcanelli, not only antedated the material so diligently studied and propagated by Schwaller and others for �clues� to alchemical secrets and esoterica, it was very likely an Egypt that is no longer even known as Egypt!

    ( es un artículo que trata otras cosas, pero que en el afán de encontrar respuestas, o historias posibles, investiga y analiza muchas cuestiones no atendidas en la historia ( lo que de verdad le gustó siempre a la autora ), o transmitidas con incorrecciones y omisiones a sabiendas ( tendríais que leer cómo pone a los egiptólogos en sus análisis, que ciertamente hace que uno también vea en ellos a una mafia elitista con tanta ignorancia como arrogancia ( y arrogancia tienen un «hueval» como diría un amigo mío ).

  5. dominique dijo:

    ¡Genial, he disfrutado un montón!
    No hay humo sin fuego y la leyenda-historia de la Atlántida es apasionante.Tenemos tánto por descubrir, si hubiera petroleo allí se hubiera encontrado hace tiempo.Mis tonterías aparte, hay muchas esmejanzas con la isla de Thule, situada al extremo norte, mencionada por primera vez en el siglo IV antes de Cristo por Piteas de Massalia y cuya desaparición se asemeja a la de la Atlántida.Tambien lo que llama la atención es que siempre que se producía una desaparición el agua era la protagonista…tanto en el nuevo como el viejo continente sin discernir religiones o culturas.
    El último libro de J. Sierra es apasionante y desmonta muchas creencias, engaño o verdad, deja mucho para cavilaciones nocturnas.
    Porfa, tú sigue, sigue.Gracias.
    Un abrazo.

  6. varín dijo:


    pensé que tenía un correo e iba a mandártelo ahí, pero como no lo encuentro, te dejo este estracto de algo que he empezado a leer ahora mismo y que puede interesarte, como anticipo para cuando recopile esas partes de las series que menciono que tocan historia:
    One thing I want to do is address this last remark above: my concern here is whether or not there was an advanced civilization known as Atlantis and if there was, what sociological processes might have been involved in its rise and subsequent fall, how mankind lost this knowledge, and whether these elements are related by a common factor that is present in our own civilization leading us in the same direction. Obviously, this is a topic for a book, and a book is forthcoming, but for now, I’d just like to give an overview.

    One of the first problems faced when dealing with this topic is the issue of the falsification of history and the corruption of scientific knowledge. Normally, for a book treatment, I would devote several chapters to this aspect alone, citing examples and references. I don’t have that kind of space so I’ll recommend books by others and hope the reader will excuse my economy of words. This is a complex problem with many interrelating elements, and, while I have a great deal of material that backs up my hypothesis presented here, I don’t have the space for it. (I will write future articles on individual elements, however, and it will all ultimately go into a book.)

    I mentioned in Witches,Comets and Planetary Cataclysms that the historical record of the past that we consider ‘truth’ nowadays, was constructed at the end of a long period of planetary devastation (the Dark Ages followed by the Black Death) and this was done to restore order and control. The Powers-That-Be of the time, which is the same at about any time – religious and elite-class controllers – set about to deliberately establish a view of the past that placed themselves firmly in the seats of power, legitimating that authority in the eyes of the masses; masses that are true believers in what the elite tell them are much easier to manage. We can observe the same thing taking place in our own day, one example being Christianity transformed from a religion of love, caring and peace to one of war and retribution. Actually, it just cycles around because it was utilized similarly in 11th and 12th centuries which followed the Dark Ages, now strongly suspected to have been a time of cometary disaster in Europe. We might also notice that it was shortly afterwards that the Black Death came to Europe. These cycles even prompt us to consider the possibility that there is a cause-effect relationship between periods of oppression of the masses by the elite and cosmic intervention that levels the playing field, so to say. (That’s grist for another article! Look for it in a coming issue!)

    I’ve spent the past eight years or so buried in texts relating to astronomy, geology, paleontology, archaeology, sociology, anthropology, linguistics, genetics studies and more. The corruption of science that I discovered there is another whole article. I’ve also spent years reading a mountain of revisionist history by authors such as Michael Cremo, Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, Knight & Lomas, Andrew Collins, and many others. (This short list is not a recommendation and the absence of any other name is not a dismissal of their work – just the names that come immediately to mind to describe the genre. I do particularly like Andrew Collins and Knight & Lomas.) I would like to note that the word ‘revisionism’ somehow carries a negative connotation, but the fact is that constant revision of history as new data comes to light, is a normal part of the scholarly process.

    What I found – or realized – was that it would certainly be a very good idea if the revisionists were well trained in the scientific method, because they most certainly could make their cases tighter without so many careless mistakes or baseless assumptions. But, on the other hand, as for the work of the ‘credentialed’ scientists, I found it to not be credible at all. Despite the superior methodology, financial backing, institutional and peer support, much of it descends into nonsense when one realizes what is being omitted in order to support the a priori premises on which are built such elaborate, circular cognitive edifices.

    So, let’s get started. There are some indispensable concepts that I need to get out of the way before we get to the fun part: speculation on the available data.

    procedente de aquí

    Abrazos , Hermano

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